Distance learning in Mexico


Any suggestions for distance learning MBA in Mexico City? Best places to go, cost etc would be appreciated.

Any suggestions for distance learning MBA in Mexico City? Best places to go, cost etc would be appreciated.

Hello Flora,
The only distance learning MBAs which I found in Mexico are in EGADE/ITESM school, but it is a specific program, not a general MBA, so I don't know if it'll suit your needs:
Global MBA for Latin American Managers (GMBA). Do you have this profile?
The school is: EGADE, ITESM Tecnológico de Monterrey - Campus Ciudad de México.
More infos: http://www.find-mba.com/university/1779/egade-itesm-tecnolgico-de-monterrey-campus-ciudad-de-mexico#distance-learning

Why are you looking in Mexico only? If you chose a distance learning MBA, you could do it in another continent even, that would give you a larger choice.

Hello Flora,
The only distance learning MBAs which I found in Mexico are in EGADE/ITESM school, but it is a specific program, not a general MBA, so I don't know if it'll suit your needs:
Global MBA for Latin American Managers (GMBA). Do you have this profile?
The school is: EGADE, ITESM Tecnológico de Monterrey - Campus Ciudad de México.
More infos: http://www.find-mba.com/university/1779/egade-itesm-tecnolgico-de-monterrey-campus-ciudad-de-mexico#distance-learning

Why are you looking in Mexico only? If you chose a distance learning MBA, you could do it in another continent even, that would give you a larger choice.

Hi Juanito,
do you have some more info about that MBA at EGADE? What is the candidate profile? I saw that this MBA is in cooperation with Thunderbird, sounds interesting.
I'd like to know the cost also.

Hi Juanito,
do you have some more info about that MBA at EGADE? What is the candidate profile? I saw that this MBA is in cooperation with Thunderbird, sounds interesting.
I'd like to know the cost also.

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