Networking studying an online MBA?

I've been looking into Online MBA programs lately because I need the flexibility to balance work and family. For those who've done an Online MBA, how important was the networking aspect for you, and how did you find ways to connect with classmates and alumni virtually? Would love to hear your experiences!

I've been looking into Online MBA programs lately because I need the flexibility to balance work and family. For those who've done an Online MBA, how important was the networking aspect for you, and how did you find ways to connect with classmates and alumni virtually? Would love to hear your experiences!

I completed a year-long, cohort-based, alumni-status programme at INSEAD recently. Compared to my on campus MBA experience at LBS, where I moved between part-time and full-time, the networking opportunity is really small online. You get the opportunity to meet people in other programs on campus, and to access the events on campus too. Online, I really got to make quite shallow connections with my team mates but I didn't make more than a few lasting connections really. In contrast, my on campus experience produced many more connections, both on my home location and during my exchange semester at Tuck.

That said, sometimes online is the only way because of practicalities.

I completed a year-long, cohort-based, alumni-status programme at INSEAD recently. Compared to my on campus MBA experience at LBS, where I moved between part-time and full-time, the networking opportunity is really small online. You get the opportunity to meet people in other programs on campus, and to access the events on campus too. Online, I really got to make quite shallow connections with my team mates but I didn't make more than a few lasting connections really. In contrast, my on campus experience produced many more connections, both on my home location and during my exchange semester at Tuck.

That said, sometimes online is the only way because of practicalities.

I see. That's kind of what I would've imagined. I'm sure it's doable, online, and you can sort of connect, but it'll never be the same as in person, where the quality of the connections you make is of a different category altogether. I guess for all the good things an online degree can offer, this is a big con for studies such an MBA, where connecting with other people is really crucial. I guess some sort of blended program could make up for that a little bit.

I see. That's kind of what I would've imagined. I'm sure it's doable, online, and you can sort of connect, but it'll never be the same as in person, where the quality of the connections you make is of a different category altogether. I guess for all the good things an online degree can offer, this is a big con for studies such an MBA, where connecting with other people is really crucial. I guess some sort of blended program could make up for that a little bit.<br>

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