What is the cheapest & accredited online MBA program?

Sorry to get straight in the point, i need to know what is the cheapest available online accredited (EQUIOS / AACSBB / AMBA) MBA program?

i would be thankful if you can provide a website as well for your suggestion.

Thank you very much.

Sorry to get straight in the point, i need to know what is the cheapest available online accredited (EQUIOS / AACSBB / AMBA) MBA program?

i would be thankful if you can provide a website as well for your suggestion.

Thank you very much.

In terms of overall value, the Illinois program is hard to beat. There are UK programs - like Bradford's - that are ranked and are also stellar values.

You can go lower in terms of overall cost if you go for unranked schools that still have accreditation. France's ESCEM has AACSB accreditation and the cost for its online MBA is under 12k EUR.

Or regional US programs, for example Louisiana State University at Shreveport. Their online MBA is relatively affordable and can be completed somewhere in the neighborhood of $12-15k USD, depending on how many credits you'd take.

In terms of overall value, the Illinois program is hard to beat. There are UK programs - like Bradford's - that are ranked and are also stellar values.

You can go lower in terms of overall cost if you go for unranked schools that still have accreditation. France's ESCEM has AACSB accreditation and the cost for its online MBA is under 12k EUR.

Or regional US programs, for example Louisiana State University at Shreveport. Their online MBA is relatively affordable and can be completed somewhere in the neighborhood of $12-15k USD, depending on how many credits you'd take.

I would think that investing the bit extra to get the Illinois degree would probably be worth it, versus a program like the one at Shreveport. That one will not have the same network or resources for international students.

I would think that investing the bit extra to get the Illinois degree would probably be worth it, versus a program like the one at Shreveport. That one will not have the same network or resources for international students.
George Pat...

Leicester, Strathclyde and illinois
What is your budget?

[Edited by George Patsoulis on Aug 04, 2018]

Leicester, Strathclyde and illinois
What is your budget?

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