Suggest me Guys!!

Hello Friends,

I have done my graduation in BBA. Next I want to do MBA in Finance but some My friends suggest me to do MBA in Distance Education and some Friends tell me there is no any value to study in Distance Education..
Please you suggest me, Is it good for my future If I choose to do distance education ...........

Hello Friends,

I have done my graduation in BBA. Next I want to do MBA in Finance but some My friends suggest me to do MBA in Distance Education and some Friends tell me there is no any value to study in Distance Education..
Please you suggest me, Is it good for my future If I choose to do distance education ...........


If you have the chance to study full-time, then take it. Get two or three years' post-BBA work experience and then take the best MBA you can get in to.


If you have the chance to study full-time, then take it. Get two or three years' post-BBA work experience and then take the best MBA you can get in to.


If you have the chance to study full-time, then take it. Get two or three years' post-BBA work experience and then take the best MBA you can get in to.

Thanks for Reply ..
I read the the article that you send me and thanks for send me this article ..........................


If you have the chance to study full-time, then take it. Get two or three years' post-BBA work experience and then take the best MBA you can get in to.</blockquote>

Thanks for Reply ..
I read the the article that you send me and thanks for send me this article ..........................

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