Robert Kennedy College / University of Cumbria MBA - Energy & Sustainability



I have been researching undertaking an MBA and have been considering the Energy and Sustainability MBA at Robert Kennedy College (University of Cumbria).

Whilst this doesnt seem to rank in the top tier universities or the most highly accredited, it does seem like only one of very few who offer the ''Energy'' focus that can be studied online and reasonably affordable.

I am a Director in a Construction Company and looking at this MBA as a way of refreshing my knowledge/skills, personal development and slight change in career path the focus being on energy and sustainability, and as a result of this, i am not relying on this MBA to significantly boost my career growth or earning (my career experience and roles already gives me that benefit).

Does anyone have any feedback on Robert Kennedy College/University of Cumbria - specifically relating to the standard and quality of their online MBA courses? or can recommend any other universities/colleges that offer online MBA's with special focus on energy/renewable energy?



I have been researching undertaking an MBA and have been considering the Energy and Sustainability MBA at Robert Kennedy College (University of Cumbria).

Whilst this doesnt seem to rank in the top tier universities or the most highly accredited, it does seem like only one of very few who offer the ''Energy'' focus that can be studied online and reasonably affordable.

I am a Director in a Construction Company and looking at this MBA as a way of refreshing my knowledge/skills, personal development and slight change in career path the focus being on energy and sustainability, and as a result of this, i am not relying on this MBA to significantly boost my career growth or earning (my career experience and roles already gives me that benefit).

Does anyone have any feedback on Robert Kennedy College/University of Cumbria - specifically relating to the standard and quality of their online MBA courses? or can recommend any other universities/colleges that offer online MBA's with special focus on energy/renewable energy?


I can only guess that your goals will be better served by an MBA well respected in the energy sector (not Cumbria, for sure) like Warwick, Cranfield or RGU, or by a specialised MSc.

I can only guess that your goals will be better served by an MBA well respected in the energy sector (not Cumbria, for sure) like Warwick, Cranfield or RGU, or by a specialised MSc.

Thanks Duncan. I have been looking into the others you mentioned (which are all good options), however they don't quite meet the criteria. Cranfield doesn't seem to offer an online/distance learning option, Warwick doesnt offer a specific Energy related MBA and RGU specialises more in oil and gas. I have also been considering undertaking an MSc in Energy Policy from University of Sussex but lacks the core MBA business modules. Are there any other universities that you would suggest (Europe or US)?

Thanks Duncan. I have been looking into the others you mentioned (which are all good options), however they don't quite meet the criteria. Cranfield doesn't seem to offer an online/distance learning option, Warwick doesnt offer a specific Energy related MBA and RGU specialises more in oil and gas. I have also been considering undertaking an MSc in Energy Policy from University of Sussex but lacks the core MBA business modules. Are there any other universities that you would suggest (Europe or US)?

The top business schools generally don't have many named specialised tracks. However, they have a wide range of electives allowing you to design an almost identical education. Those are where the most successful MBA alumni in the energy industry go. It would be a sub-optimal choice to pick an inferior option simply because of the label.

I realise that you think the MBA has only educational value and that choosing one schools rather than another won't make a difference in your value. However, that is almost certainly mistaken. A better MBA will increase your value more than a worse one, not only your value in business but personally too.

The top business schools generally don't have many named specialised tracks. However, they have a wide range of electives allowing you to design an almost identical education. Those are where the most successful MBA alumni in the energy industry go. It would be a sub-optimal choice to pick an inferior option simply because of the label.

I realise that you think the MBA has only educational value and that choosing one schools rather than another won't make a difference in your value. However, that is almost certainly mistaken. A better MBA will increase your value more than a worse one, not only your value in business but personally too.

Are you also looking at the MBA from Strathclyde? Seems like a reasonable fit, given your goals.

Are you also looking at the MBA from Strathclyde? Seems like a reasonable fit, given your goals.

I have looked at Strathclyde which seems very good although dont think it offers a Distance Learning EMBA and i would like that flexibility. Also looking at Bradford, Durham and Illinois iMBA.

I have looked at Strathclyde which seems very good although dont think it offers a Distance Learning EMBA and i would like that flexibility. Also looking at Bradford, Durham and Illinois iMBA.

I can't think of any triple crown program that is a DL EMBA. Normally EMBA means part time and in class, DL means part time and online.

I can't think of any triple crown program that is a DL EMBA. Normally EMBA means part time and in class, DL means part time and online.

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