online DBA choice.


Please, I need advice on the following online DBA program.

which of this schools will you advice as best for online DBA as my brother requested?

1) European Institute of Applied Science and Management
2)EMAS Business School

Thank you

Please, I need advice on the following online DBA program.

which of this schools will you advice as best for online DBA as my brother requested?

1) European Institute of Applied Science and Management
2)EMAS Business School

Thank you

EMAS looks more like a real school, but if you are thinking of an academic career you'll be better off aiming at a traditional, non-profit, university. Your local state university may be better.

EMAS looks more like a real school, but if you are thinking of an academic career you'll be better off aiming at a traditional, non-profit, university. Your local state university may be better.

From the EMAS website-

"Note: The DBA degree is not an equivalent to a Russian doctoral or PhD degree in the terms of the Russian law on Education"

From the EMAS website-

"Note: The DBA degree is not an equivalent to a Russian doctoral or PhD degree in the terms of the Russian law on Education"

Ouch! What is that Iceland university with a low cost distance PhD?

Ouch! What is that Iceland university with a low cost distance PhD?

Ouch! What is that Iceland university with a low cost distance PhD?

What university is that?

[quote]Ouch! What is that Iceland university with a low cost distance PhD?[/quote]

What university is that?

I think it is

I think it is
George Pat...

I think that iceland program switched to campus only. Better contact them to be sure.
Leaving as cheap* options Leicester (phd) and Heriot Watt (phd or dba)

There are almost no decent phd options online. There are a bit more online DBAs but as they are not restricted by the same UK pricing that phds are, they are often way overpriced. I consider it bad idea to pay more for DBA than for a phd!

*cheap = the default UK phd tuition, unlike most DBAs in uk that cost 50k or more

I think that iceland program switched to campus only. Better contact them to be sure.
Leaving as cheap* options Leicester (phd) and Heriot Watt (phd or dba)

There are almost no decent phd options online. There are a bit more online DBAs but as they are not restricted by the same UK pricing that phds are, they are often way overpriced. I consider it bad idea to pay more for DBA than for a phd!

*cheap = the default UK phd tuition, unlike most DBAs in uk that cost 50k or more


I think that iceland program switched to campus only. Better contact them to be sure.
Leaving as cheap* options Leicester (phd) and Heriot Watt (phd or dba)

There are almost no decent phd options online. There are a bit more online DBAs but as they are not restricted by the same UK pricing that phds are, they are often way overpriced. I consider it bad idea to pay more for DBA than for a phd!

*cheap = the default UK phd tuition, unlike most DBAs in uk that cost 50k or more

Thank you for your input.

[quote]I think that iceland program switched to campus only. Better contact them to be sure.
Leaving as cheap* options Leicester (phd) and Heriot Watt (phd or dba)

There are almost no decent phd options online. There are a bit more online DBAs but as they are not restricted by the same UK pricing that phds are, they are often way overpriced. I consider it bad idea to pay more for DBA than for a phd!

*cheap = the default UK phd tuition, unlike most DBAs in uk that cost 50k or more


Thank you for your input.

I'm also working on this - just finished my MBA from UMass. Excellent program. Looking for an online or PT PhD program as well. I need this for three reasons:
1) My current role (leader of a non-profit) offers lots of opportunity for research that needs to be done.
2) I need to hold this qualification for my current role (the organization does not care about what kind of PhD)
3) I hope to be able to continue to lead, possibly in higher education (private schools) and/or be able to teach. This would be after 'working' in the field executive leadership for 30 years. In other words have the PhD qualification but not be an 'academic' - researching and writing.

Really need it to be in the $20,000-$25,000 (self funding).
I found one from Regent University - ACBSP - where I will receive a significant discount because my organization has a partnership with them (priced down at $30,000).

I'm also looking at Open University. This has triple accreditation and is in the $25,000 range.

Also HHL which has AACSB accreditation seem to be in the $22,000 range.

I also have an invitation for a small school Columbia International School - sub-20k. The business school is regionally accredited but not AACSB.

[Edited by smc on Feb 21, 2019]

I'm also working on this - just finished my MBA from UMass. Excellent program. Looking for an online or PT PhD program as well. I need this for three reasons:
1) My current role (leader of a non-profit) offers lots of opportunity for research that needs to be done.
2) I need to hold this qualification for my current role (the organization does not care about what kind of PhD)
3) I hope to be able to continue to lead, possibly in higher education (private schools) and/or be able to teach. This would be after 'working' in the field executive leadership for 30 years. In other words have the PhD qualification but not be an 'academic' - researching and writing.

Really need it to be in the $20,000-$25,000 (self funding).
I found one from Regent University - ACBSP - where I will receive a significant discount because my organization has a partnership with them (priced down at $30,000).

I'm also looking at Open University. This has triple accreditation and is in the $25,000 range.

Also HHL which has AACSB accreditation seem to be in the $22,000 range.

I also have an invitation for a small school Columbia International School - sub-20k. The business school is regionally accredited but not AACSB.


The OU stands out, if that is the British OU, as a triple crown school with solid academics.

The OU stands out, if that is the British OU, as a triple crown school with solid academics.

The OU stands out, if that is the British OU, as a triple crown school with solid academics.

Great. Thanks! I've written to some potential profs to see about getting into seeing them at OU.

Any thoughts on the second choice? Because of the $$, I'm interested in the CIU program.

[Edited by smc on Feb 21, 2019]

[quote]The OU stands out, if that is the British OU, as a triple crown school with solid academics. [/quote]

Great. Thanks! I've written to some potential profs to see about getting into seeing them at OU.

Any thoughts on the second choice? Because of the $$, I'm interested in the CIU program.

If you don't intend to use your PhD in some academic setting, then what matters is the supervisor. At the OU you are assured of a great supervisor. And some no-name school, maybe not. See who would really be with you on this journey.

If you don't intend to use your PhD in some academic setting, then what matters is the supervisor. At the OU you are assured of a great supervisor. And some no-name school, maybe not. See who would really be with you on this journey.
George Pat...

the Full-Time OU PhD is not distance learning. it is required to live within 40 miles of Milton Keynes to be able to go to campus every day. Even for the part-time you still need to live in the UK for the duration

the Full-Time OU PhD is not distance learning. it is required to live within 40 miles of Milton Keynes to be able to go to campus every day. Even for the part-time you still need to live in the UK for the duration

Leicester programme seems good for a friend in my MRes class who did their professional doctorate in social science.

Leicester programme seems good for a friend in my MRes class who did their professional doctorate in social science.

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