MMU, Trent, Birmingham, OU, Illinois?


I've read a lot of the discussions on here and done quite a bit of research on distance/online MBA options. Personally, I've narrowed it down to the following:

MMU (triple accredited, £11k, but uni not well regarded?) - why is it so cheap yet triple accredited?
Trent (double accredited, £15k, ok uni) - also interesting data specialisation available
Birmingham (triple, £20k, fine uni)
OU (triple, £ballpark as others, fine uni, at least in UK)
Illinois (accredited, $22k, good uni)

What are everyone's thoughts on these? How would you personally rank them?

In terms of aims, I'm looking to fill in my knowledge gaps and have an MBA on my CV that will help me be more competitive for future roles. I'm also considering a DBA down the line. The MBA must be 100% distance. I work across the UK and North America.

I understand that none of the above are going to be "great" MBAs or are they likely to provide fantastic networking, but the above fit my costs/logistics parameters.

Thanks in advance for the thoughts and let me know if there are any clarifying questions.


I've read a lot of the discussions on here and done quite a bit of research on distance/online MBA options. Personally, I've narrowed it down to the following:

MMU (triple accredited, £11k, but uni not well regarded?) - why is it so cheap yet triple accredited?
Trent (double accredited, £15k, ok uni) - also interesting data specialisation available
Birmingham (triple, £20k, fine uni)
OU (triple, £ballpark as others, fine uni, at least in UK)
Illinois (accredited, $22k, good uni)

What are everyone's thoughts on these? How would you personally rank them?

In terms of aims, I'm looking to fill in my knowledge gaps and have an MBA on my CV that will help me be more competitive for future roles. I'm also considering a DBA down the line. The MBA must be 100% distance. I work across the UK and North America.

I understand that none of the above are going to be "great" MBAs or are they likely to provide fantastic networking, but the above fit my costs/logistics parameters.

Thanks in advance for the thoughts and let me know if there are any clarifying questions.

Obviously it's hard to give a good answer without knowing what you want these future roles to be. However, for your budget the stand-out star is Illinois. While US MBAs are assumed to be okay in the rest of the world, no-one in the US will care about a non-US school that isn't or Oxbridge.

Obviously it's hard to give a good answer without knowing what you want these future roles to be. However, for your budget the stand-out star is Illinois. While US MBAs are assumed to be okay in the rest of the world, no-one in the US will care about a non-US school that isn't or Oxbridge.

Thanks, Duncan. I like the look of Illinois and it being North American is an advantage for me, but why is Illinois a stand out for you? I heard Illinois has got rid of all in class MBAs, is that true? If so, will it effect the esteem of the iMBA?

Future roles aren't 100% clear, but current focus is looking to continue on the revenue side of software industry, essentially from an individual performer into management and continue upwards.

Thanks, Duncan. I like the look of Illinois and it being North American is an advantage for me, but why is Illinois a stand out for you? I heard Illinois has got rid of all in class MBAs, is that true? If so, will it effect the esteem of the iMBA?

Future roles aren't 100% clear, but current focus is looking to continue on the revenue side of software industry, essentially from an individual performer into management and continue upwards.
George Pat...

Don't forget to check out Boston University as well

Don't forget to check out Boston University as well

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