MBA relevance in Africa


I am planning to do an MBA and specifically from UIUC (Gies), since it is reputable and I have a science background, thus no business background. My goal is to get into consulting, especially in the data/ agricultural sector with firms like McKinsey.I have 10 years of work experience.

My question is, since I see a lot of advice that someone should study where they want to work, and yet very few MBA programs in Africa make it to the FT or are accredited, is it worth to invest in this MBA, if I am targeting firms in Africa, while the same time getting world class education.In short, is this or any American MBA going to give me an edge in Africa?

[Edited by Optimist on Aug 03, 2021]

I am planning to do an MBA and specifically from UIUC (Gies), since it is reputable and I have a science background, thus no business background. My goal is to get into consulting, especially in the data/ agricultural sector with firms like McKinsey.I have 10 years of work experience. <br>
My question is, since I see a lot of advice that someone should study where they want to work, and yet very few MBA programs in Africa make it to the FT or are accredited, is it worth to invest in this MBA, if I am targeting firms in Africa, while the same time getting world class education.In short, is this or any American MBA going to give me an edge in Africa?

McKinsey usually recruits from the very best business schools like Harvard and Wharton in the USA and INSEAD and LBS in Europe. I doubt whether an online degree from Gies will be considered in the same bracket.

Have you searched LinkedIn to see where people at the kinds of firm you are targetting in Africa did their MBA? That should be your starting point.

Also, maybe contact McKinsey directly and ask them for guidance if you are keen to work for them.

McKinsey usually recruits from the very best business schools like Harvard and Wharton in the USA and INSEAD and LBS in Europe. I doubt whether an online degree from Gies will be considered in the same bracket.<br><br>Have you searched LinkedIn to see where people at the kinds of firm you are targetting in Africa did their MBA? That should be your starting point.<br><br>Also, maybe contact McKinsey directly and ask them for guidance if you are keen to work for them.

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