Master Degree in Management, Harvard Extension School


Dear All,

Is anyone have experiences the class or have information about Master Degree in Management from Harvard Extension School?
Could you please share about the program?

I heard this program teach online and web conference, plus with 4 courses required on campus.

I found the courses have number of electives from marketing, finance, and digital business. Few courses teach by Harvard’s Faculty. But the workload are huge as well. Some courses have close book examination, weekly assessment and report writing.

At HES, students require to read a lot of HBS case studies, with very few research papers and textbook are required. In contrast, I am studying one of UK MBA program which required to read a lot of news, articles and research paper. The assessment are writing report and group presentation. Sometimes, I feel that it is not right for adults learning like me.

Is it a good idea to switch to managemet program at HES? How is the program comparing a triple accredited Global online MBA from UK?

Please share your point of view.

P.S. I am a mid carreer with 10 years management experiences. I plan to start my own company soon.

Thank you for your advices.

[Edited by tiffany_p on Mar 06, 2019]

Dear All,

Is anyone have experiences the class or have information about Master Degree in Management from Harvard Extension School?
Could you please share about the program?

I heard this program teach online and web conference, plus with 4 courses required on campus.

I found the courses have number of electives from marketing, finance, and digital business. Few courses teach by Harvard’s Faculty. But the workload are huge as well. Some courses have close book examination, weekly assessment and report writing.

At HES, students require to read a lot of HBS case studies, with very few research papers and textbook are required. In contrast, I am studying one of UK MBA program which required to read a lot of news, articles and research paper. The assessment are writing report and group presentation. Sometimes, I feel that it is not right for adults learning like me.

Is it a good idea to switch to managemet program at HES? How is the program comparing a triple accredited Global online MBA from UK?

Please share your point of view.

P.S. I am a mid carreer with 10 years management experiences. I plan to start my own company soon.

Thank you for your advices.

Try searching the board. If you don't need placement support then it's a okay choice.

Try searching the board. If you don't need placement support then it's a okay choice.

A major benefit of doing an in-class, full-time MBA at a brick and mortar school that has accreditation is that they will provide you with a high level of career support. Are you looking to make a substantial change in your career? Then you'll want this kind of support. Are you planning on using your degree to get a new job? Then you'll want the support. This support can include everything from internal job listings to network events, career fairs, direct connections with recruiters, direct connections with alumni.

The Extension program will not offer you any of this kind of guidance / support.

A major benefit of doing an in-class, full-time MBA at a brick and mortar school that has accreditation is that they will provide you with a high level of career support. Are you looking to make a substantial change in your career? Then you'll want this kind of support. Are you planning on using your degree to get a new job? Then you'll want the support. This support can include everything from internal job listings to network events, career fairs, direct connections with recruiters, direct connections with alumni.

The Extension program will not offer you any of this kind of guidance / support.

If he / she is looking to start a company, they might not need career support...

If he / she is looking to start a company, they might not need career support...

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