IE Global MBA


Hello everyone,

I am interested in acquiring a distance learning MBA. I would love to be able to attend IE Spain. I recently graduated with a Bachelor's in Business (completed in 3 yrs instead of 4) from one of the world's top 25 universities. My GPA there was a 3.1. My gpa at another university I attended was a 3.6 (top school in the U.S.). So my Bachelor's CGPA is 3.4. I have been working for the past year and expect by the time I take my GMATs and apply (and if I'm lucky, begin the program) I will have 2 years under my belt. Is this sufficient experience for the global MBA at IE? And any personal tips on acing the GMATs would be most welcome!

Thanks in advance!


Hello everyone,

I am interested in acquiring a distance learning MBA. I would love to be able to attend IE Spain. I recently graduated with a Bachelor's in Business (completed in 3 yrs instead of 4) from one of the world's top 25 universities. My GPA there was a 3.1. My gpa at another university I attended was a 3.6 (top school in the U.S.). So my Bachelor's CGPA is 3.4. I have been working for the past year and expect by the time I take my GMATs and apply (and if I'm lucky, begin the program) I will have 2 years under my belt. Is this sufficient experience for the global MBA at IE? And any personal tips on acing the GMATs would be most welcome!

Thanks in advance!


Hi GaiaAir,

I am also applying to the Global MBA program at IE. I will be going for the 2010 intake and will have 2 years W.E. under my belt as well. The minimum years mentioned by the admissions director is 2 to 3 years so you should be fine on that aspect. I would advise you to craft a good story for yourself (valid reason why you want to pursue this MBA in particular) and present that with your background and you should be fine. Apply early (at least one year in advance) and take the IE admissions test instead of the GMAT to show your commitment.

Good Luck to you,

Hi GaiaAir,

I am also applying to the Global MBA program at IE. I will be going for the 2010 intake and will have 2 years W.E. under my belt as well. The minimum years mentioned by the admissions director is 2 to 3 years so you should be fine on that aspect. I would advise you to craft a good story for yourself (valid reason why you want to pursue this MBA in particular) and present that with your background and you should be fine. Apply early (at least one year in advance) and take the IE admissions test instead of the GMAT to show your commitment.

Good Luck to you,


For gmat advice is a good forum for that.. tons of advice on there. There's too much involved in the gmat to be able to give thorough advice without spending a ton of time. So I will just say this: Practice, practice, practice!

Although if you take the IE test instead, I'm not sure whether practicing for the GMAT might help?? Does anyone know? I also plan to apply to IE for 2010 but for the full-time class. I have not sent them my GMAT score yet, maybe I should take their test? My GMAT score isn't that great, but I plan to take it again. I wish I would have practiced more the first time around. I went in pretty much blind (I was in a hurry because I wanted to apply for the 2009 class, but then decided to slow down and wait a year.) Anyway, with basicaly no studying I got a 610. What messed me up was not pacing myself with having enough time to answer the questions... the content itself I did not think was terribly difficult. Just a matter of training your brain to answer those types of questions. I think with more practice I will do much better! I'm going take it again in the fall :)

For gmat advice is a good forum for that.. tons of advice on there. There's too much involved in the gmat to be able to give thorough advice without spending a ton of time. So I will just say this: Practice, practice, practice!

Although if you take the IE test instead, I'm not sure whether practicing for the GMAT might help?? Does anyone know? I also plan to apply to IE for 2010 but for the full-time class. I have not sent them my GMAT score yet, maybe I should take their test? My GMAT score isn't that great, but I plan to take it again. I wish I would have practiced more the first time around. I went in pretty much blind (I was in a hurry because I wanted to apply for the 2009 class, but then decided to slow down and wait a year.) Anyway, with basicaly no studying I got a 610. What messed me up was not pacing myself with having enough time to answer the questions... the content itself I did not think was terribly difficult. Just a matter of training your brain to answer those types of questions. I think with more practice I will do much better! I'm going take it again in the fall :)

I was admitted to the IE Global MBA online-September 2010 intake.
Good luck to you all.

I was admitted to the IE Global MBA online-September 2010 intake.
Good luck to you all.

Congrats to you ... can I just ask you what was your Gmat score to be accepted?

Congrats to you ... can I just ask you what was your Gmat score to be accepted?
Global MBA

For gmat advice is a good forum for that.. tons of advice on there. There's too much involved in the gmat to be able to give thorough advice without spending a ton of time. So I will just say this: Practice, practice, practice!

Although if you take the IE test instead, I'm not sure whether practicing for the GMAT might help?? Does anyone know?

Training for the GMAT can't hurt for the IEgat, even if they are different, but basically they focus on the same skills. The IEgat is more simple than the Gmat. I took it myself and I suggest you to prepare for it with an online service I found on the net. It costs around 70 euros and will access to contents which are very similar to what you will find on the IeGat. I practices it and I had no problems to pass the IeGat. I don't remember how it is called but you can find it on google searching for IEgat prep test or IE admission prep test, you should find it.

[quote]For gmat advice is a good forum for that.. tons of advice on there. There's too much involved in the gmat to be able to give thorough advice without spending a ton of time. So I will just say this: Practice, practice, practice!

Although if you take the IE test instead, I'm not sure whether practicing for the GMAT might help?? Does anyone know? [/quote]

Training for the GMAT can't hurt for the IEgat, even if they are different, but basically they focus on the same skills. The IEgat is more simple than the Gmat. I took it myself and I suggest you to prepare for it with an online service I found on the net. It costs around 70 euros and will access to contents which are very similar to what you will find on the IeGat. I practices it and I had no problems to pass the IeGat. I don't remember how it is called but you can find it on google searching for IEgat prep test or IE admission prep test, you should find it.

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