Essex MBA or Salford MSc

Hi friends,
I invite your opinions pls. Wish to opt for either or or:

1) Uni of Essex Online MBA: notable points: well rated university, getting MBA degree. Essex Business School is not Accredited by any accreditation agency, though the uni on the whole has very good reputation.

2) Uni of Salford Online MSc in Global Management: not well rated uni but AMBA accredited business school? Salford Business School has been short listed as one of the 5 best business schools by Times this year. Other advantage: it requires compulsory one week residency.

Jaw hitch programme do I go for?

I am 47 years of age and want to learn as well as make career progression.


Hi friends,
I invite your opinions pls. Wish to opt for either or or:

1) Uni of Essex Online MBA: notable points: well rated university, getting MBA degree. Essex Business School is not Accredited by any accreditation agency, though the uni on the whole has very good reputation.

2) Uni of Salford Online MSc in Global Management: not well rated uni but AMBA accredited business school? Salford Business School has been short listed as one of the 5 best business schools by Times this year. Other advantage: it requires compulsory one week residency.

Jaw hitch programme do I go for?

I am 47 years of age and want to learn as well as make career progression.


In general, a program that is accredited by AMBA is better than one that's not.

That said, I can't see either of these programs adding much to your profile in terms of career progression. Why not look at an accredited online MBA program such as the ones offered by Bradford or Durham?

Barring that, there are most likely many EMBA program options that may work for you, depending on where you are located.

In general, a program that is accredited by AMBA is better than one that's not.

That said, I can't see either of these programs adding much to your profile in terms of career progression. Why not look at an accredited online MBA program such as the ones offered by Bradford or Durham?

Barring that, there are most likely many EMBA program options that may work for you, depending on where you are located.

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