Durham vs Warwick online MBA


Hey every one,

I am writing from Sweden.. I started post in another thread but I havent got any detailed replies as I would have wished.
I am planning as well for DL MBA ... and like everyone else, my limitation is also my family,and my job.... I would like to choose between Durham or Warwick based on their financial times rankings but warwick's compulsory attendance has changed my mind. I simply donot have time for this. Durham is offering this an option but not "A Must Do" and in the recent rankings it is not really far behind warwick now ... So there is no reason for not choosing Durham after seeing recent financial times online mba rankings.

Any one who has graduated or s recently enrolled in Durham online MBA ?

Would look forward to a fruitful discussion ..


Hey every one,

I am writing from Sweden.. I started post in another thread but I havent got any detailed replies as I would have wished.
I am planning as well for DL MBA ... and like everyone else, my limitation is also my family,and my job.... I would like to choose between Durham or Warwick based on their financial times rankings but warwick's compulsory attendance has changed my mind. I simply donot have time for this. Durham is offering this an option but not "A Must Do" and in the recent rankings it is not really far behind warwick now ... So there is no reason for not choosing Durham after seeing recent financial times online mba rankings.

Any one who has graduated or s recently enrolled in Durham online MBA ?

Would look forward to a fruitful discussion ..


Because this is a website for MBA applicants, starting a new thread will not make replies from current students or alumni more probable.

If you don't have time for Warwick, why are you worrying about it? The strengths and weaknesses of Warwick and Durham are well discussed on this discussion board if you search it.

Because this is a website for MBA applicants, starting a new thread will not make replies from current students or alumni more probable.

If you don't have time for Warwick, why are you worrying about it? The strengths and weaknesses of Warwick and Durham are well discussed on this discussion board if you search it.

You dont have to reply if it bothers you Duncan.

I am looking after a feedback from someone who is currently enrolled at Durham, so I can weigh Warwick and Durham with current & fresh experiences ..In light of new rankings, this is not only help me but many who will choose for Durham in coming months ..

You dont have to reply if it bothers you Duncan.

I am looking after a feedback from someone who is currently enrolled at Durham, so I can weigh Warwick and Durham with current & fresh experiences ..In light of new rankings, this is not only help me but many who will choose for Durham in coming months ..

It doesn't bother me: I am trying to help you to get the feedback you want by pointing out that you probably won't find it here. You will need to either ask the school to connect you, or you'll need to use social media to directly approach those people.

It doesn't bother me: I am trying to help you to get the feedback you want by pointing out that you probably won't find it here. You will need to either ask the school to connect you, or you'll need to use social media to directly approach those people.

Maybe send this guy a message:


He is doing - or maybe he has finished, I don't know - his online MBA from Durham. He's said some good things about the program here, but I don't know if his view has changed recently.

Maybe send this guy a message:


He is doing - or maybe he has finished, I don't know - his online MBA from Durham. He's said some good things about the program here, but I don't know if his view has changed recently.

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