I would like to seek for your latest professional input (especially from those Alumni) for choosing the DL MBA as I have received the offer from both universities. Having searched on this forum, here are the findings:
+ Higher reputation and ranking
+ More residence opportunities (Summer week, core & elective modules)
+ Interesting electives including Social Media and Digital Media Strategies
+ Triple accreditation
- More expensive ($19,000 GBP)
- Longer duration (complete in 3-Years)
- Start from April 2015 for next intake
- More Academic
+ Less expensive ($14,500 GBP)
+ Decent core modules covering key MBA subjects
+ Positive feedback from Alumni and slightly greater alumni's base in Hong Kong
+ Can be completed in 2 years, start from January 2015
+ Triple accreditation
- Lower reputation and ranking
- Tight schedule (2 modules in 3 months)
- Less residence opportunities (max. 3 times for elective modules)
- Lack of coverage on Digital/Social Media Strategies
Purposes: To advance my career and find another job. May further my studies after the completion of MBA, for example, DBA or another Master Degree
I have also applied Warwick DL MBA (July intake) but I am waiting for their result.
[Edited by jimshui on Dec 21, 2014]