Durham or Bradford


I would like to seek for your latest professional input (especially from those Alumni) for choosing the DL MBA as I have received the offer from both universities. Having searched on this forum, here are the findings:

+ Higher reputation and ranking
+ More residence opportunities (Summer week, core & elective modules)
+ Interesting electives including Social Media and Digital Media Strategies
+ Triple accreditation

- More expensive ($19,000 GBP)
- Longer duration (complete in 3-Years)
- Start from April 2015 for next intake
- More Academic

+ Less expensive ($14,500 GBP)
+ Decent core modules covering key MBA subjects
+ Positive feedback from Alumni and slightly greater alumni's base in Hong Kong
+ Can be completed in 2 years, start from January 2015
+ Triple accreditation

- Lower reputation and ranking
- Tight schedule (2 modules in 3 months)
- Less residence opportunities (max. 3 times for elective modules)
- Lack of coverage on Digital/Social Media Strategies

Purposes: To advance my career and find another job. May further my studies after the completion of MBA, for example, DBA or another Master Degree

I have also applied Warwick DL MBA (July intake) but I am waiting for their result.

[Edited by jimshui on Dec 21, 2014]

I would like to seek for your latest professional input (especially from those Alumni) for choosing the DL MBA as I have received the offer from both universities. Having searched on this forum, here are the findings:

+ Higher reputation and ranking
+ More residence opportunities (Summer week, core & elective modules)
+ Interesting electives including Social Media and Digital Media Strategies
+ Triple accreditation

- More expensive ($19,000 GBP)
- Longer duration (complete in 3-Years)
- Start from April 2015 for next intake
- More Academic

+ Less expensive ($14,500 GBP)
+ Decent core modules covering key MBA subjects
+ Positive feedback from Alumni and slightly greater alumni's base in Hong Kong
+ Can be completed in 2 years, start from January 2015
+ Triple accreditation

- Lower reputation and ranking
- Tight schedule (2 modules in 3 months)
- Less residence opportunities (max. 3 times for elective modules)
- Lack of coverage on Digital/Social Media Strategies

Purposes: To advance my career and find another job. May further my studies after the completion of MBA, for example, DBA or another Master Degree

I have also applied Warwick DL MBA (July intake) but I am waiting for their result.

Warwick seems like a better choice.

Warwick seems like a better choice.

Thanks Ducan. Understanding that there are many pros for Warwick, e.g. higher ranking, larger alumni base in Hong Kong but it is more expensive ($7,500 GBP per year). What do you think on Durham vs Bradford DL MBA? Thanks in advance.

Thanks Ducan. Understanding that there are many pros for Warwick, e.g. higher ranking, larger alumni base in Hong Kong but it is more expensive ($7,500 GBP per year). What do you think on Durham vs Bradford DL MBA? Thanks in advance.

The difference is price is tiny compared to the additional earnings for most students: that reflects the high quality students, the better educational experience and the more valuable alumni network. Focus on the value, not the price.

The difference is price is tiny compared to the additional earnings for most students: that reflects the high quality students, the better educational experience and the more valuable alumni network. Focus on the value, not the price.

Warwick has offered me a conditional offer and I am still considering. Agreed that I shall focus on the value, however, affordability is one of the factors for decision making, especially I am a self-financed student as Warwick requires $7,800 for the 1st year in July intake. For the 2nd & 3rd year, I shall expect 8-12% increment as Warwick stated to me. Moreover, there are other expenses for compulsory Warwick Week 1 to 3 such as travelling fee etc. According to Warwick, extra fee for overseas exam arrangement and for extending the study period (if any) may be incurred.

I fully understand that Warwick has better reputation on MBA, the residency provides good opportunities for the students to have networking activities and to facilitate experience sharing, but it seems Durham MBA suits me most because I can well manage the expenses with greater flexibility in residency (I assume the quality, interaction & support of Durham Global MBA are on par with Warwick's, please correct if I am wrong..).

I also want to share that the first impression to Durham is quite positive. The program administrators of Durham Business School are helpful and engaging, they always respond to my question in same or next business day.

[Edited by jimshui on Jan 11, 2015]

Warwick has offered me a conditional offer and I am still considering. Agreed that I shall focus on the value, however, affordability is one of the factors for decision making, especially I am a self-financed student as Warwick requires $7,800 for the 1st year in July intake. For the 2nd & 3rd year, I shall expect 8-12% increment as Warwick stated to me. Moreover, there are other expenses for compulsory Warwick Week 1 to 3 such as travelling fee etc. According to Warwick, extra fee for overseas exam arrangement and for extending the study period (if any) may be incurred.

I fully understand that Warwick has better reputation on MBA, the residency provides good opportunities for the students to have networking activities and to facilitate experience sharing, but it seems Durham MBA suits me most because I can well manage the expenses with greater flexibility in residency (I assume the quality, interaction & support of Durham Global MBA are on par with Warwick's, please correct if I am wrong..).

I also want to share that the first impression to Durham is quite positive. The program administrators of Durham Business School are helpful and engaging, they always respond to my question in same or next business day.

Hi Jimshui, than have you take your decision? Warwick or Durham? What are you considering?
I'm evaluating Bradford vs Durham vs Warwick and I'm really confused. Three different costs with three different values. It seems the value for money factor is exactly the same. Or not?

Hi Jimshui, than have you take your decision? Warwick or Durham? What are you considering?
I'm evaluating Bradford vs Durham vs Warwick and I'm really confused. Three different costs with three different values. It seems the value for money factor is exactly the same. Or not?

The value for money is not the same. Warwick alumni earn 25% more than Durham alumni: the difference in cost is trivial.

The value for money is not the same. Warwick alumni earn 25% more than Durham alumni: the difference in cost is trivial.

yes, but referring to Financial Times Online MBA 2015, Durham has a salary increase of 39% while Warwick of 34%.
On the other side, average salary from Warwick is $143K, while Durham is $114K.
It seems that "richer" people go to Warwick, but the final results (the salary increase) is similar if not less than Durham's.
In fact the "value for money" for FT is Durham first, and Bradford second, University of Nebraska-Lincoln third and Warwick fourth.

It must be said, finally, that Warwick is the second in the overall ranking, while Durham is sixth and Bradford is eighth.

So, as an absolute value, Warwick is better than the other. But when dividing by price (eg. if you have budget limitations) , Durham seems to be the best choice.

yes, but referring to Financial Times Online MBA 2015, Durham has a salary increase of 39% while Warwick of 34%.
On the other side, average salary from Warwick is $143K, while Durham is $114K.
It seems that "richer" people go to Warwick, but the final results (the salary increase) is similar if not less than Durham's.
In fact the "value for money" for FT is Durham first, and Bradford second, University of Nebraska-Lincoln third and Warwick fourth.

It must be said, finally, that Warwick is the second in the overall ranking, while Durham is sixth and Bradford is eighth.

So, as an absolute value, Warwick is better than the other. But when dividing by price (eg. if you have budget limitations) , Durham seems to be the best choice.

In an MBA you will learn that net present value is the best way to calculate such values.

In an MBA you will learn that net present value is the best way to calculate such values.

I have selected Durham eventually as I live in Asia and Warwick's compulsory residencies costs me much higher than expected. As Duncan mentioned, NPV is one of the key factors for consideration.

[Edited by jimshui on Jul 13, 2015]

I have selected Durham eventually as I live in Asia and Warwick's compulsory residencies costs me much higher than expected. As Duncan mentioned, NPV is one of the key factors for consideration.

I have selected Durham eventually as I live in Asia and Warwick's compulsory residencies costs me much higher than expected. As Duncan mentioned, NPV is one of the key factors for consideration.

Hi Jim,

I sent you PM, just wondering if you can share your experience on Durham online MBA program. Appreciate your earliest reply.


[quote]I have selected Durham eventually as I live in Asia and Warwick's compulsory residencies costs me much higher than expected. As Duncan mentioned, NPV is one of the key factors for consideration.[/quote]

Hi Jim,

I sent you PM, just wondering if you can share your experience on Durham online MBA program. Appreciate your earliest reply.


Dividing by price is mistaken because you cannot add up multiple MBAs. You should pick up the option with the highest value. That means the lifetime value of the premium, minus the cost. The cost is a small number compared to the premium.

Dividing by price is mistaken because you cannot add up multiple MBAs. You should pick up the option with the highest value. That means the lifetime value of the premium, minus the cost. The cost is a small number compared to the premium.

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