Durham - online MBA experience


Hi all - I have received acceptance from Durham online MBA - I add a post previously about my consideration for an MBA
I have 15yrs experience in oil & gas industry, mostly on drilling. I have engineering, PM, supervisor experience, currently working for major operator. I am planning to make a career shift, work in renewable energy, and/or strategy and project based work in energy sector, in Turkey or UK.
My plan is to have online MBA from an UK university, with selection list below...
1. Durham
2. Warwick (although best option, this is secondary due to travel and cost...will be my first choice if I move to London for work)
3. Manchester
4. Bradford

My plan is to have MBA from Durham (alternative is Warwick). And support this programme with Renewable programme lectures from Heriott Watt university, to specialize on some topics.
My question is, can anybody share experience and feedback, who is having MBA from Durham or completed the programme from Durham?
- What is the experience like - is it very academic and less practical? the programme seems a little light....both core and elective modules
- What are the pros and cons you consider?
- is the live sessions beneficial and interactions good for learning?

Any comment on the programme would be appreciated.

Many thank for your support...


Hi all - I have received acceptance from Durham online MBA - I add a post previously about my consideration for an MBA
I have 15yrs experience in oil & gas industry, mostly on drilling. I have engineering, PM, supervisor experience, currently working for major operator. I am planning to make a career shift, work in renewable energy, and/or strategy and project based work in energy sector, in Turkey or UK.
My plan is to have online MBA from an UK university, with selection list below...
1. Durham
2. Warwick (although best option, this is secondary due to travel and cost...will be my first choice if I move to London for work)
3. Manchester
4. Bradford

My plan is to have MBA from Durham (alternative is Warwick). And support this programme with Renewable programme lectures from Heriott Watt university, to specialize on some topics.
My question is, can anybody share experience and feedback, who is having MBA from Durham or completed the programme from Durham?
- What is the experience like - is it very academic and less practical? the programme seems a little light....both core and elective modules
- What are the pros and cons you consider?
- is the live sessions beneficial and interactions good for learning?

Any comment on the programme would be appreciated.

Many thank for your support...

Inactive User

This article might be of interest to you:


It's an interview with a graduate of the Durham program, and goes into a bit of detail about the program and how it works. I'm not sure many current students or graduates will visit this message board, as the discussions are primarily about getting into business school, applying, school choice, etc.

This article might be of interest to you:


It's an interview with a graduate of the Durham program, and goes into a bit of detail about the program and how it works. I'm not sure many current students or graduates will visit this message board, as the discussions are primarily about getting into business school, applying, school choice, etc.

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