Distance Learning and Career?

Most of students tends to choose study through distance education but most of bright career area demands for a regular student and they always ignore distance students.
What you think?

Most of students tends to choose study through distance education but most of bright career area demands for a regular student and they always ignore distance students.
What you think?

For students who do not want to substantially change career functions or industry areas, distance learning programs can be very effective. However, a full-time, in-class MBA program still remains the best option for students seeking substantial shifts or salary growth.

I don't think it really has anything to do with "ignoring" distance students - it's really just two different modes of study for different audiences.

For students who do not want to substantially change career functions or industry areas, distance learning programs can be very effective. However, a full-time, in-class MBA program still remains the best option for students seeking substantial shifts or salary growth.

I don't think it really has anything to do with "ignoring" distance students - it's really just two different modes of study for different audiences.

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