Best MBA for consulting


Greetings everyone, I have 9 years of professional experience in market research, marketing, and business development fields and my goal is to switch to the consultancy field

I've looked into different programs and the following are what fits my budget:

Boston University
University of Illinois
Birmingham University
University of Liverpool
Bradford University

Which one is the best option?

PS: I know the big consultancy firms aim towards higher-ranking schools but I have the connections that could help in waving that and my experience would help as well.

Thank you in advance

Greetings everyone, I have 9 years of professional experience in market research, marketing, and business development fields and my goal is to switch to the consultancy field

I've looked into different programs and the following are what fits my budget:

Boston University
University of Illinois
Birmingham University
University of Liverpool
Bradford University

Which one is the best option?

PS: I know the big consultancy firms aim towards higher-ranking schools but I have the connections that could help in waving that and my experience would help as well.

Thank you in advance

Which of these firms has the best alumni network in the country/firms you are targeting? Other things being equal, a move into consultancy might justify a higher investment. 

Which of these firms has the best alumni network in the country/firms you are targeting? Other things being equal, a move into consultancy might justify a higher investment. 

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