Best decision on selecting an online program


Hello everone,

I was recently admitted to the online MBA programs at the University of Liverpool, University of Bradford, University of Birmingham in the UK and University of Illinois in the US. I am still indecisive which program to accept so I am interested in your recommendation. Would you please rank these programs from the most recommended to the least recommended given that the tuition cost is the same across all 4 programs. If you can give a brief explanation on the logic behind the ranking that would be fantastic.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Thank you kindly.

Hello everone,

I was recently admitted to the online MBA programs at the University of Liverpool, University of Bradford, University of Birmingham in the UK and University of Illinois in the US. I am still indecisive which program to accept so I am interested in your recommendation. Would you please rank these programs from the most recommended to the least recommended given that the tuition cost is the same across all 4 programs. If you can give a brief explanation on the logic behind the ranking that would be fantastic.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Thank you kindly.

Bradford seems like the best choice, given its status in the FT's Online MBA ranking. I don't know if I would consider the others, if you got into Bradford. Urbana-Champaign, maybe.

Bradford seems like the best choice, given its status in the FT's Online MBA ranking. I don't know if I would consider the others, if you got into Bradford. Urbana-Champaign, maybe.

Hi Laurie,

Thank you for your feedback.

I have also applied to Durham University Business School but have not heard back from them yet. Given the FT online MBA ranking, Durham would that be a better choice than Bradford. Correct?

Best regards,

[Edited by Tarek on Oct 24, 2016]

Hi Laurie,

Thank you for your feedback.

I have also applied to Durham University Business School but have not heard back from them yet. Given the FT online MBA ranking, Durham would that be a better choice than Bradford. Correct?

Best regards,
Tim back

If I were in your shoes I woudn't take into consideration the Bradford's MBA, just for your information they are not running the FT MBA this year, it's overvalued, besides if you have to attend its lectures the town is pretty depressive.

[Edited by Tim back on Oct 26, 2016]

If I were in your shoes I woudn't take into consideration the Bradford's MBA, just for your information they are not running the FT MBA this year, it's overvalued, besides if you have to attend its lectures the town is pretty depressive.

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