Already have a career: Distance Learning VS On-site (E)MBA


Hi all,

Short background: I have a Masters (MSc) background science and Engineering and already have a job that is requires 5 years of consulting/sales experience in a private company. It's mid-management and I am 33 years old in Switzerland. So I am pretty happy with my current career advancement, however I was always interested to learn the finance/business entrepreneurship fundamentals. Since I am super busy at my job and my boss needs me fulltime I have a hard-time to find a suitable part-time MBA, either:

Distance learning: Warwick
On-site (need to negotiate with my Boss): Mannheim / HSG / Uni Zürich / Edinburgh(FHNW)

I have the money to pay it myself but don't know whats best to do now. Some people say wait to do an EMBA some say I don't need anything at this stage. I love to learn something new but of course 40-70k CHF is a big investment. My goal is to advance in consulting or pharma/medtech in a commercial/strategic role.

Thank you

Hi all,

Short background: I have a Masters (MSc) background science and Engineering and already have a job that is requires 5 years of consulting/sales experience in a private company. It's mid-management and I am 33 years old in Switzerland. So I am pretty happy with my current career advancement, however I was always interested to learn the finance/business entrepreneurship fundamentals. Since I am super busy at my job and my boss needs me fulltime I have a hard-time to find a suitable part-time MBA, either:

Distance learning: Warwick
On-site (need to negotiate with my Boss): Mannheim / HSG / Uni Zürich / Edinburgh(FHNW)

I have the money to pay it myself but don't know whats best to do now. Some people say wait to do an EMBA some say I don't need anything at this stage. I love to learn something new but of course 40-70k CHF is a big investment. My goal is to advance in consulting or pharma/medtech in a commercial/strategic role.

Thank you

I believe Warwick has some non optional attendance. Looks like the best option to me if you can make it. If you want 100% online I am personally enjoying Durham and would recommend, roughly 5-10% of the cohort is pharma/medtech for my intake.

I believe Warwick has some non optional attendance. Looks like the best option to me if you can make it. If you want 100% online I am personally enjoying Durham and would recommend, roughly 5-10% of the cohort is pharma/medtech for my intake.

I would not consider the Heriot Watt degree at FHNW. Focus on degrees with meaningful international accreditation. I notice that HW has dropped the EBS branding for its on-campus business school, which is which a strong signal.

I would not consider the Heriot Watt degree at FHNW. Focus on degrees with meaningful international accreditation. I notice that HW has dropped the EBS branding for its on-campus business school, which is which a strong signal.

Thank you both for your replies.
@AJJ_99: I don't need a 100% online MBA, as I still have 5 weeks of holidays - but there still not enough to do a part-time degree. So one option is Warwick and seems to have a decent reputation for an online program. I am also fine to fly every second or third weekend to London... I will have a look at Durham.

@Duncan: I agree, I also had a bad feeling when I saw the marketing. A meaningful international accreditation is very important to me - I would rather prefer one taught in English. Ok then FHNW is gone for me.

Still need to decide between an online or somehow find a program that does not need too much on-site presence during the working days.

Which of the on-line or minimal on-site programs have a very good international accreditation?

Thank you both for your replies.
@AJJ_99: I don't need a 100% online MBA, as I still have 5 weeks of holidays - but there still not enough to do a part-time degree. So one option is Warwick and seems to have a decent reputation for an online program. I am also fine to fly every second or third weekend to London... I will have a look at Durham.

@Duncan: I agree, I also had a bad feeling when I saw the marketing. A meaningful international accreditation is very important to me - I would rather prefer one taught in English. Ok then FHNW is gone for me.

Still need to decide between an online or somehow find a program that does not need too much on-site presence during the working days.

Which of the on-line or minimal on-site programs have a very good international accreditation?

I guess Illinois and the other US schoold. Warwick is just one week a year, I think.

[Edited by Duncan on Jun 26, 2018]

I guess Illinois and the other US schoold. Warwick is just one week a year, I think.
Inactive User

Yes, Warwick is one week per year. Now they're offering the residential weeks in London, which is convenient for travelers.

Yes, Warwick is one week per year. Now they're offering the residential weeks in London, which is convenient for travelers.

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