Aberdeen vs Manchester Met vs Bradford vs Nottingham Trent (Online)

I'm British but have emigrated to the US for the last 4 years. I have no plans to come back to the UK. Planning to study online MBA.

My goals are to seek higher level positions in the US or Middle East. I don't want to study with an American School.

Can you help me choose between the below:

- Aberdeen

- Manchester Met

- Bradford

- Nottingham Trent

I'm getting overwhelmed with all the parameters to consider.

Thank you


[Edited by Bobby Johnson on Apr 05, 2022]

I'm British but have emigrated to the US for the last 4 years. I have no plans to come back to the UK. Planning to study online MBA.<br>
My goals are to seek higher level positions in the US or Middle East. I don't want to study with an American School.<br>
Can you help me choose between the below:<br>
- Aberdeen <br>
- Manchester Met <br>
- Bradford<br>
- Nottingham Trent<br>
I'm getting overwhelmed with all the parameters to consider.<br>
Thank you<br>

It's weird to exclude schools from the US if you want to work in the US. 

It's weird to exclude schools from the US if you want to work in the US.&nbsp;

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